Eya Medieval Music: The Jesse Tree

St. Nicholas Church, 1450 Plum Point Rd. , Huntingtown, MD 20639

Eya presents The Jesse Tree

Isaiah’s ancient prophecy of the birth of Jesus, retold each year during the Advent season, is filled with wonder and promise: et egredietur virga de radice Iesse et flos de radice eius ascendet (“a shoot shall come out from the root of Jesse and a flower shall grow out of his roots” Isaiah 11:1). The symbol of the “Jesse tree,” as representing the spiritual and genealogical lineage of Jesus, lit the medieval imagination. Stained glass windows and illuminated manuscripts testify to the prominence of this image within the visual arts. In medieval music, countless works examine this theme, realized in works of both humble devotion and exuberant praise. Eya explores these fascinating and thoughtful interpretations of Isaiah’s prophecy in a program ranging from the monasteries of 13th-century England, to the visionary songs of Hildegard von Bingen, to the grand splendor of Notre Dame Cathedral. Join us for a sublime array of haunting chant and polyphony for Advent.